exhibition center general view
exhibition center general view
exhibition center birds eye view
entrance hall exhibition center
exhibition hall
rxhibition hall
green roof
International competition, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Sofia

International competition, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Sofia


Principal Architect:  Aris Kordas

Design Team: Angeliki Labada, Nikolaos Kerameianakis, Aikaterini Deligiannidou, Panagiota Sarantinoudi

International competition, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Sofia

This project suggests a series of interventions in an existing building, which today does not serve sufficiently its needs. Our goal is to create a modern office and showroom building. The building should correspond to its needs and should have an enhanced public character at the same time.

Two main interventions helped towards this direction. Firstly, to redefine the facades and design the public spaces. The design of an interactive facade which corresponds fully to the real function of the building was very important. This was feasible by maintaining the vertical elements of the existing facade and designing a new system of panels. As a result, tfacade deisgn serves both  the needs of natural light and transparency for the interior spaces as well.

Moreover we create a dipole of public spaces, keeping the public uses of the ground floor and designing a green roof with a cafeteria and outdoor exhibition spaces. In this way the public character of the building is emphasized while the building itself is transformed to a living cell inside the center of the city.

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